Category:Catznip R7

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Revision as of 20:42, 23 October 2012 by Trinity Dejavu (talk | contribs)
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Catznip R7.jpg

Wow! Ok, this release has been a massive undertaking that went on far longer than it should have. We got off to a slow start thanks to some RL and then bogged down as a number of our internal projects matured to the point of release. We always plan to add new things in odd numbered releases and the bug fix and polish the even numbered ones but might have gotten a bit carried away this time.

There is so much new in this release it's difficult to know where to start. But will mentioning the brand new wiki, it's a work in progress as there is a lot to document fully and that is going to take time, so rather then hold things up further we're going to show and tell what we can and worry about that later.

We added a new view to the Appearance Tools and buttons for layer ordering, our own Build Tools with a unique eye dropper tool, copy paste and axis manipulation, separate Chat Alerts for both local and IM/groups. Detach Folder lets you remove groups of worn objects with a single click, Font Selection allowing for different UI & Chat fonts (also the awesome Open Dyslexic Font[1]) and Group chat got some more love with bold names and better sorting with the new ability to 'Snooze' rather than just close and end the session.

The Mini Map was made awesome. Really.

We added the legacy places search to both the main search floater and to the smaller places floater for quick and easy access.

On the User Interface side, Inventory gets a lot of attention with a new custom tab and fixed copy & paste. The people floater got a total overhaul as well as a massive amount of reworking.

I've probably missed out a ton of new things (like the awesome derender, the ability to right click on mesh attachments and a mess of RLVa bugfixes).

Read the full Release Notes and Download.

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Pages in category "Catznip R7"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.